DIGITAL COMMAND CONTROL - Wangrow's SystemOne Digital Command Control system
- LOCOS - every loco to have a decoder and a unique ID number for unlimited MUing capabilities - ID number to match loco number - permanently coupled locos to be kept at a minimum.
- OPERATOR CONTROLLER - tethered plug-in handheld controllers (cabs) with coiled 8' cable and 'stereo' plug-in jack - convert to radio control when available.
- ROAD ENGINEERS - tethered plug-in handheld controllers (cabs) with coiled 8' cable and 'stereo' plug-in jack - able to select any loco and MU any combination of locos at any location - able to program locos and consists - control of loco lights and sound, etc. - pre-programming of road, switch and local engines or MU combinations to be passed on to basic cabs - convert to radio control when available.
- LOCAL ENGINEERS - tethered plug-in handheld controllers (cabs) with coiled 8' cable and 'stereo' plug-in jack - able to select any loco and MU any combination of locos at any location - able to program locos and consists - control of loco lights and sound, etc. - pre-programming of road, switch and local engines or MU combinations to be passed on to basic cabs - convert to radio control when available.
- SWITCH ENGINEERS - tethered plug-in handheld controllers (cabs) with coiled 8' cable and 'stereo' plug-in jack - able to select any loco and MU any combination of locos at any location - able to program locos and consists - control of loco lights and sound, etc. - pre-programming of road, switch and local engines or MU combinations to be passed on to basic cabs - convert to radio control when available.
- ENGINE HOSTLER - full-feature cab - able to select any loco and MU any combination of locos at any location - able to program locos and consists - control of loco lights and sound, etc. - pre-programming of road, switch and local engines or MU combinations to be passed on to basic cabs - Chico turntable will have a decoder assigned to it and will be controllable by hostler.
- VALLEY STAGING HOSTLER - full-feature cab - able to select any loco and MU any combination of locos at any location - able to program locos and consists - control of loco lights and sound, etc. - pre-programming of road, switch and local engines or MU combinations to be passed on to basic cabs.
- VISITING ENGINEERS - basic cab - able to operate a loco or MU combination that has been pre-programmed from a full-feature cab and then passed-on - control of loco lights - control of uncouplers a possible future option - convert to radio control when available.
- PLUG-IN JACK LOCATION - lower fascia only - spaced 8 to 9ft apart and 27" up from floor.
- REMOTE CONTROL - PREFERRED METHOD - tetherless - convert when Wangrow's radio control system become available - applies to all controller types listed above - priority to Road Engineer cabs, then Local Engineer cabs, then Switch Engineer cabs.
- MAINLINE - electrically controlled - switchable from local control to CTC control - full CTC panel and control - computer program interfaces CTC panel with layout, performs all logic functions - switched automatically to CTC mode when CTC computer program is opened, and switched automatically to local mode when the program is exited/closed - stationary DCC decoders simplify wiring (manufacturer to be determined).
- LOCAL CONTROL - slide switch mounted on fascia adjacent to turnout - closing/exiting the CTC computer program activates local control mode and locks out CTC panel.
- CTC CONTROL - prototypical CTC panel and operation - starting the CTC computer program locks out local control - lockout indicators (LEDs) at local switch on fascia - stationary DCC decoders simplify wiring.
- INTERLOCKINGS - route selection by push buttons on tower panel at interlocking tower location - with route indicators (LEDs) - electrically controlled Circuitron Tortoise
switch motors - computer program interfaces interlocking with layout and conditions, performs all logic functions when route is selected and 'start' button is pressed - stationary DCC
decoders simplify wiring - detection circuits prevent action if unsafe - optional: time lock (1 minute ?) that prototypically prevents changing the route immediately after it has been activated per prototype practices (prototype usually 5 minute timing).
- YARD, INDUSTRY OR BRANCH FROM SF MAINLINE - to enhance prototypical operations during CTC operating sessions some mainline turnouts are activated by the
train crew, but be under the dispatcher's authority - these turnouts are to industry tracks or to infrequently used passing siding, etc. - the train crew contacts the dispatcher
whenever one of these turnouts must be set away from the mainline - the dispatcher gives the crew permission to change the turnout - these turnouts are either manual or motorized,
depending on control method desired for that turnout - for either type of turnout, the crew activates the same type of fascia mounted selector switch - these fascia switches have a
mechanism that requires the conductor to physically unlock them with a key which will be assigned to him along with the switchlist when he reports for duty.
- TYPE 1 - electrically controlled Circuitron Tortoise switch motors - slide switch mounted on fascia adjacent to turnout - 'open switch' indicators (LEDs) displayed on CTC
- TYPE 2 - mechanically controlled - mechanical linkage connected to slide switch mounted on fascia adjacent to turnout - 'open switch' indicators (LEDs) displayed on CTC panel.
- YARD, INDUSTRY OR BRANCH FROM OTHER THAN SF MAINLINE - mechanically controlled - mechanical linkage connected to slide switch mounted on fascia
adjacent to turnout - no indication on CTC panel.
ALL TRACKS - mechanically controlled where possible, electrically controlled Circuitron Tortoise switch motors where necessary - mechanical linkage connected to slide switch mounted on fascia adjacent to turnout.
- SANTA FE MAINLINE - full CTC signaling - signaling at all mainline turnouts (called OS Sections): passing sidings, double crossovers, signal to double track, branch tracks - computer interface to handle the complex logic required.
- SANTA FE BRANCHLINE - block signaling
- SIERRA WESTERN MAINLINE - block signaling
- SOUTHERN PACIFIC MAINLINE - block signaling.
- MCCLOUD MAINLINE - block signaling - operation not necessary
- PHASE 1 - DETECTION, CTC PANEL & SIGNALING NOT INSTALLED - track warrant dispatching - dispatcher will coordinate all SF mainline trains - dispatcher to be in radio contact with conductors - dispatcher will have communications radio with speaker and mike - conductors will have communications radio with headset - conductors will contact dispatcher when access to mainline is needed - dispatcher will reserve needed blocks to conductor and give authority to proceed to a designated point - conductors will inform dispatcher when blocks passed are released - all turnouts to be controlled by train crew,
- PHASE 2 - DETECTION & CTC PANEL INSTALLED - SIGNALING NOT INSTALLED - modified track warrant/CTC dispatching - dispatcher will coordinate all SF mainline trains - dispatcher to be in radio contact with conductors - dispatcher will have communications radio with speaker and mike - conductors will have communications radio with headset - conductors will contact dispatcher when access to mainline is needed - dispatcher will reserve needed blocks to conductor and give authority to proceed to a designated point - conductors will inform dispatcher when blocks passed are released - turnouts to be controlled by dispatcher.
- PHASE 3 - DETECTION, CTC PANEL, SIGNALING INSTALLED - CTC dispatching, automatic block control - dispatcher to control all SF mainline traffic at OS sections via signal indications - dispatcher to control all SF mainline turnouts as described in the TURNOUTS section - dispatcher to be in radio contact with conductors - dispatcher will have communications radio with speaker and mike - conductors will have communications radio with headset.
- OPERATING SESSIONS - SANTA FE MAINLINE, LIGHT TRAFFIC (DOWNGRADED MAINLINE) - during these operating sessions a dispatcher will not be on duty.
- PHASE 1 - DETECTION, CTC PANEL, SIGNALING NOT INSTALLED - train crews will coordinate conflicting train movements with each other.
- PHASE 2 - DETECTION, CTC PANEL INSTALLED - SIGNALING NOT INSTALLED - train crews will coordinate conflicting train movements with each other.
- PHASE 3 - DETECTION, CTC PANEL, SIGNALING INSTALLED - block signals will indicate safe movement into adjacent blocks - train crews will watch signal
indications for block occupancy - train crews will coordinate conflicting train movements with each other.
- ALL PHASES - train crews will coordinate conflicting train movements with each other.
- OPERATING SESSIONS, CASUAL MODE - to run trains for display - during these operating sessions a dispatcher will not be on duty.
- ALL TRACKS, ALL PHASES - train crews will coordinate conflicting train movements with each other.
- OVERVIEW - all wiring to be located under roadbed and scenery - 6 individual circuits will continue under all parts of the layout benchwork generally following the path of the Santa Fe mainline - the six independent circuits required are:
- track power/loco decoder control
- cab control
- 12v filtered DC accessory & turnout motor ground/power
- turnout/block-signal decoder control
- 110v AC layout power circuit - turned on by switch next to room entrance
- 110v AC construction & maintenance circuit - extension of house/room circuits
- POWER BUSS - follows mainline on all levels - all sections of rail, regardless of length, to be connected to the appropriate buss wire - rail closest to front of scene to be considered positive (+) and connected to the front buss - rail closest to back of scene to be considered negative (-) and connected to rear buss.
- TRACK POWER/LOCO DECODER BUSS - 10g solid bare copper - spacing to be 6" apart, except 3" minimum in congested areas only.
- TRACK FEEDER - 22g solid insulated copper - soldered to underside of every rail - black colored wire connects front rail to front TRACK POWER/LOCO DECODER buss - red colored wire connects rear rail to rear TRACK POWER/LOCO DECODER buss - feeder wire lengths to be kept at a minimum.
- CAB CONTROL - Six-conductor flat modular phone cable - cab panel circuit board assemblies to be connected in series - to minimize signal loss, there will be two circuits from the Command Station, one in each direction and terminating (but not joining) near the center of the layout - LCD display circuit powered by cab-buss boosters connected to the 12V filtered accessory buss.
- 12V FILTERED DC - provides power for all accessories, remote cameras and DCC cab buss boosters - power supply located under the lower level benchwork between the entry door and the dispatcher's room - turned on with layout power - pair of 16g buss wires follow the mainline under the lower level only - accessories connected to buss with minimum 26g feeders - accessories requiring less than 12v use stepdown resistor networks.
- 110V AC LAYOUT POWER CIRCUIT - switch at room entrance turns on all power devices to support layout operations - controls all power supplies for the command station, power stations, 12v DC accessory circuit, and any miscellaneous power supplies needed to operate the layout.
- 110V AC CONSTRUCTION/MAINTENANCE CIRCUIT - extension of house/room power circuits - extends the length of the penninsula - duplex outlets every 10ft - to be used for maintenance and construction - always on.

These pages implemented and maintained by: Larry Moseley
Please send all comments to: Rick Fortin